by Marta Campos
On the 20th June, the members of
ChallenGen Project held a general meeting at the Biology Department of the University of Barcelona.
It was our pleasure to learn about ongoing work of the MarSymbiomics project, with which several collaborative papers have been prepared. |
This encounter gave us the opportunity to interact with each other, and to present the latest news and updates on howour research and work is going on . During the last trimester, for example, Maria was in Venezia doing a research stay, Alex and Carles worked with informatics analysis and Clara and Marc prepared two oral communications for the XVI day of evolutionary biology, organizated by the Institute of Catalan Studies. We also learnt about the last results published or submitted within the framework of ChallenGen.
Moreover, the CEAB-CSIC researcher Iosune Uriz was our invited speaker and explained us the main results until now of her project MarSymbiomics.
It was a great week start!